Human Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty in Panama

Human Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty in Panama

The following constitute the human rights of those deprived of liberty Dignified and respectful treatment, in accordance with their status as human beings. Non-discrimination based on race, color, gender, language, religion, political opinion, nationality, or social or economic status. Freedom of worship, as long as it does not violate prison…

Deportation and Expulsion of Foreginers from Panama

Deportation and Expulsion of Foreginers from Panama

The National Immigration Service of Panama may deport and order the prevention of entry into the national territory for foreigners under any of the following circumstances: Entering the country in an irregular manner, except for exceptions established in special laws. Remaining in an undocumented or irregular manner within the national…

Grounds for inadmissibility to Panama

Grounds for inadmissibility to Panama

The National Immigration Service of Panama has the authority to refuse entry or transit through the country of Panama, as well as to revoke the corresponding visa or immigration permit, in the following situations: The presence of an order issued by a competent authority that bars their entry. The submission…

The Importance of Translating Certificates of Free Sales for Successful Market Entry in Panama

The Importance of Translating Certificates of Free Sales for Successful Market Entry in Panama

Expanding business operations to international markets offers tremendous growth opportunities for companies worldwide. Panama, with its strategic location, booming economy, and business-friendly environment, has become a popular destination for businesses seeking to tap into the Latin American market. However, before entering this market, it is crucial for businesses to recognize…