According to the Transit and Land Transportation Authority in Panama, foreigners can drive with a valid foreign driver’s license for up to 90 days after their arrival in the country. After that period, they must obtain a Panamanian driver’s license to continue driving legally in the country.

To obtain a Panamanian driver’s license, foreigners must provide their foreign driver’s license, a valid passport, proof of legal entry into the country, and proof of residency in Panama. They must also pass a vision test and a written exam.

It’s important to note that regulations can change over time, so it is recommendable to verify this information with the Panamanian embassy or consulate in your home country or with the Transit and Land Transportation Authority in Panama or with the agency called Sertracen before traveling to or driving in Panama.

If you need to hire a Spanish language interpreter for any procedure related to obtaining your driver’s license in Panama, please let us know.