Requirements for Trademark Registration
To register a trademark, an application must be submitted through a qualified Panamanian attorney using a form provided by the General Directorate of Industrial Property Registry (DIGERPI). The application must include the following:

  1. Applicant’s Name, Address, and Nationality: If the applicant is a legal entity, the place of incorporation and registration details must be provided if applicable.
  2. Name and Address of Legal Representative: If necessary, include the reference of registration in the Register of Powers of Attorney.
  3. Address in Panama: Applicants domiciled abroad must designate a Panamanian address to receive administrative or judicial notifications related to the trademark.
  4. Trademark Name and/or Design: Must be specified exactly as it will be used in the market.
  5. Goods or Services to be Registered: Should be listed according to the Nice Agreement, including the relevant class numbers.
  6. Priority Claim: If applicable, based on international treaties ratified by Panama.

Additional Documents to be Attached:

  1. Power of Attorney granted to a lawyer
  2. Trademark Reproduction: Two copies are needed if the trademark has a special design, form, or color, or if it is figurative, mixed, or three-dimensional, with or without color. One copy must be attached to or digitized in the form.
  3. A translation of the mark or certain parts of the mark where applicable.
  4. A transliteration of the mark or certain parts of the mark where applicable.
  5. Priority Documents: If claiming priority, include supporting documents as per international treaties ratified by Panama.
  6. Declaration of Use or Intent to Use: a) For marks in use, declare that the “mark is used.” b) For marks not yet in use, declare that the “mark will be used.”
  7. Color or 3D Claims: If applicable, declare if color or three-dimensional shape are distinctive features of the mark.
  8. Proof of Payment: Include proof of payment for the applicable fees related to publication, registration, and inscription of the trademark.
  • The applicant shall pay US$140.50 for the registration.

Maintenance of Industrial Property Rights:
To maintain a registered trademark, the holder must pay a renewal fee of US$134.00 at the end of the initial protection period for each registered class.

If you need to register a mark in Panama, please call us at +507 6290-3468 or email us at